Documents > ChemDoodle JSON Format


The ChemDoodle JSON format is the native way to present data to the ChemDoodle Web Components. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the native object format for Javascript, so it is particularly suitable for us to use it with the ChemDoodle Web Components.

There are two benefits to using ChemDoodle JSON, the first being that we can easily manipulate it in Javascript, and the second being that it is immediately recognized as a Javascript object rather than having to parse and preformat a string. It is also much more powerful to use ChemDoodle JSON instead of another chemical format, as ChemDoodle JSON was specifically created for the ChemDoodle Web Components and fully and completely describes every last object supported by the ChemDoodle Web Components and vice versa.

Our ChemDoodle JSON format was created to be minimalistic, so tags are chosen to be as short as possible. It also makes copious use of default values, so we do not need to specify a lot of information, like single bond orders or carbon labels.


ChemDoodle JSON can be directly used in Javascript. However, it is important to keep in mind that the objects declared by ChemDoodle JSON are not the same as data structures declared by the ChemDoodle Web Components API. This is because the API's data structures, in many cases, have cyclical references and therefore the JSON equivalent would be infinitely long. Additionally, the API's data structures contain a lot of metadata and longer, more readable, variable names that would pollute the JSON string, and defeat its purpose as a minimalistic format. To work with this, the ChemDoodle Web Components contains a JSONInterpreter class to convert between ChemDoodle JSON and the ChemDoodle Web Components' data structures.

Using the JSONInterpreter class is simple and is similar to using other interpreters, except that instead of handling strings, the JSONInterpreter handles objects. The JSONInterpreter class can be found in the package and currently contains the following functions:

  • molTo - Converts a Molecule data structure to a JSON protocol Javascript object.
  • molFrom - Converts a a JSON protocol Javascript object to a Molecule data structure.
  • shapeTo - Converts a Shape data structure to a JSON protocol Javascript object.
  • shapeFrom - Converts a a JSON protocol Javascript object to a Shape data structure.
  • contentTo - Converts a provided Array of Molecule data structures and Array of Shape data structure to a JSON protocol Javascript object.
  • contentFrom - Converts a a JSON protocol Javascript object to an object containing two Arrays, molecules and shapes, containing the Molecule data structures and Shape data structures.

Use these functions as follows:

let mol = myCanvas.getMolecule();
// this line converts the Molecule data structure to the JSON protocol Javascript object
let dummy = new;
// this line reconstructs the Molecule data structure from the JSON object
let reconstructed = new;

One last thing to keep in mind is that the JSON object is not a string, but in some cases must be handled like a string, such as when transfering data to and from a server through AJAX. In these cases, make use of the Javascript functions JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() to convert to and from a string respectively.

//asString is a JSON representation as a string of the Object obj
let asString = JSON.stringify(obj);
//asObj is the Javascript Object reconstructed from the JSON string
let asObj = JSON.parse(asString);

ChemDoodle 2D

ChemDoodle 2D and ChemDoodle 3D contain several tools for creating ChemDoodle JSON from drawings and other file types. ChemDoodle 3D also contains a tool to optimize PDB files into ChemDoodle JSON for quick loading into 3D Canvases.

ChemDoodle JSON Generator

Use this sketcher and 3D editor below to help you create 2D and 3D content in the ChemDoodle JSON format. Just load and draw the content to be represented and press the Create ChemDoodle JSON button below the sketcher or editor. The JSON string will be shown in an alert and logged to the Javascript console.

Persistent IDs

When outputting content to ChemDoodle JSON format, IDs will be assigned to atoms, bonds and molecules (stored as the "i" property). These IDs will be persistent regardless of how many times ChemDoodle JSON format is generated from these same objects. In many cases, you may wish to keep track of atoms, bonds and molecules through editing of content and several outputs to ChemDoodle JSON format. For instance, if you are keeping track of the molecules in a reaction, and the reaction is being edited, a persistent ID will make it easy to track which molecule is which component regardless of the order they are in.

Keep in mind, that while atoms and bonds will have the same persistent IDs at all times, a single change can result in a molecule being split into two or two molecules being merged into one. The persistent IDs on molecules may therefore change. If two molecules are joined, the resulting molecule will use one of the joined molecules' IDs. If a molecule is split by deleting a bond, one fragment will retain the original molecule's ID while the other fragment will be assigned a new ID. If a molecule is split by deleting an atom, both fragments may be assigned new IDs.

While output, persistent IDs are not read in from ChemDoodle JSON format. This is because input persistent IDs may conflict with the currently assigned persistent IDs. Persistent IDs will be unique for each object created during the lifetime of an instantiation of the ChemDoodle Web Components library. Therefore, if the ChemDoodle Web Components library is reloaded, for instance, when a user refreshes a webpage, persistent IDs will be assigned anew. If any persistent ID assignments are programmatically deleted on any objects before outputting to ChemDoodle JSON format, the ChemDoodle Web Components library will assign locally unique IDs to all output objects, but they will not be persistent.


(Object) : This is the root object.
m (Array) : Array of molecule objects. If there are no molecule objects, this array can be left out.
}, ...
,s (Array) : Array of shape objects. If there are no shape objects, this array can be left out.
}, ...
Content Examples
Isomers of Butane
Diels-Alder Reaction

(Object) : This is the root object.
a (Array) : Array of atom objects.
i (String) : A unique identifier for this atom, only needs to be provided if necessary
,l (Stringdefault='C') : Label
,x (Numberrequired) : X coordinate
,y (Numberrequired) : Y coordinate
,z (Numberdefault=0) : Z coordinate
,c (Integerdefault=0) : Charge
,m (Integerdefault=-1) : Mass
,h (Integerdefault=-1) : Implicit hydrogen count override
,r (Integerdefault=0) : Number of radicals
,p (Integerdefault=0) : Number of lone pairs
,s2 (Objectdefault=undefined) : If present, this object defines the enhanced stereochemistry designation for the atom, as described by the enhancedStereo section below
,q (Objectdefault=undefined) : If present, this object defines the query for the atom, as described by the query section below
}, ...
,b (Array) : Array of bond objects. This array does not need to be included if it is empty.
i (String) : A unique identifier for this bond, only needs to be provided if necessary
,b (Integerrequired) : Index of the atom in the atom array that this bond begins with.
,e (Integerrequired) : Index of the atom in the atom array that this bond ends with.
,o (Numberdefault=1) : Bond order, this can be integers or positive half increments or 0
,s (Stringdefault='none') : Stereochemistry of the bond. Accepted values are 'none', 'protruding', 'recessed' or 'ambiguous'.
,q (Objectdefault=undefined) : If present, this object defines the query for the bond, as described by the query section below
}, ...
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this molecule, only needs to be provided if necessary
Molecule Examples

Enhanced Stereochemistry
This object simply defines the enhanced stereochemistry designation for an atom. Both the type and group can be included.(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This is the enhanced stereochemistry type, and is required. Valid values are 'abs', 'or' and '&'.
,g (Integerdefault=1) : This is the group number for the enhanced stereochemistry designation. This is must be a positive integer >0.

Enhanced Stereochemistry Examples
The chiral carbon in this molecule is given an enhanced stereochemistry designation of and (&) and is included in group 2

A query defines attributes to atoms and bonds for searching and other cheminformatics functions. Each member of a Query object is itself an object that holds two values, 'v' for the actual value, and 'n' (that when present) to represent the negate or opposite. An iChemLabs query range string is any comma separated string of ranges and numbers, with number ranges denoted with a dash. For instance, '-1,2,4-7' means -1 or 2 or between 4 and 7. Please see this tutorial page for more information on query variables and using the Query Sketcher.
(Object) : This is the root object.
as (Objectrequired) : This variable holds the atom element types, including wildcards in an array. This is the identity variable. This is required for atom queries in the ChemDoodle JSON format.
,bs (Objectrequired) : This variable holds the bond types, including wildcards in an array. This is the identity variable. This is required for bond queries in the ChemDoodle JSON format.
,@ (Object) : This variable holds the hash value for atom and bond CIP stereochemistry. For atoms 'A' is any, 'R' is rectus and 'S' is sinestra. For bonds 'A' is any, 'E' is entegen and 'Z' is zusammen.
,A (Object) : This variable holds the hash value for atom and bond aromaticity. This variable is implied and will be set if present, but true should be set to the value.
,C (Object) : This variable holds the charge range for atoms. The value is a iChemLabs query range string.
,H (Object) : This variable holds the hydrogen count range for atoms. The value is a iChemLabs query range string.
,R (Object) : This variable holds the ring count range for atoms and bonds. The value is a iChemLabs query range string.
,S (Object) : This variable holds the hash value for atom saturation. This variable is implied and will be set if present, but true should be set to the value.
,X (Object) : This variable holds the total connectivity range for atoms. The value is a iChemLabs query range string.
,x (Object) : This variable holds the total connectivity range for atoms without including hydrogens. The value is a iChemLabs query range string.

Query Examples
Atom Query
Bond Query

Line (Shape, 2D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'Line' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,x1 (Numberrequired) : X coordinate of the start point
,y1 (Numberrequired) : Y coordinate of the start point
,x2 (Numberrequired) : X coordinate of the end point
,y2 (Numberrequired) : Y coordinate of the end point
,a (Numberdefault=undefined) : Arrow type. Accepted values are 'synthetic', 'retrosynthetic', 'resonance' and 'equilibrium'.
,rs (Numberdefault=undefined) : This is an array of atom ids, one from each molecule assigned as a reactant to this line shape, typically when representing a reaction as an arrow.
,ps (Numberdefault=undefined) : This is an array of atom ids, one from each molecule assigned as a product to this line shape, typically when representing a reaction as an arrow.
Line Examples
Synthetic Arrow

Atom Mapping (Shape, 2D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'AtomMapping' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,o1 (Stringrequired) : The id of the atom in the reaction as a reactant
,o2 (Stringrequired) : The id of the atom in the reaction as a product
,n (Stringdefault=''0'') : The label assigned to this mapping, typically a number. This value is not necessary unless you are customizing graphics or need access to this value, as the ChemDoodle sketcher will assign new numbers on refresh or update of the data.
Atom Mapping Examples
Atom mapping linking a reactant atom to a product atom

Pusher (Shape, 2D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'Pusher' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,o1 (Stringrequired) : The id of the chemical object this Pusher points from
,o2 (Stringrequired) : The id of the chemical object this Pusher points to
,e (Numberdefault=1) : Number of electrons being pushed; this can also be -1, specifying a bond forming pusher
Pusher Examples
Electron Pair Pusher from a Bond to an Atom

Bracket (Shape, 2D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'Bracket' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,x1 (Numberrequired) : X coordinate of the start point
,y1 (Numberrequired) : Y coordinate of the start point
,x2 (Numberrequired) : X coordinate of the end point
,y2 (Numberrequired) : Y coordinate of the end point
,c (Numberdefault=0) : The charge amount associated with this bracket (displayed at the top right).
,m (Numberdefault=0) : The multiple count associated with this bracket (displayed at the center left).
,r (Numberdefault=0) : The repeat count associated with this bracket (displayed at the bottom right).
Bracket Examples
Bracket with a 2+ charge

Repeat Unit (Shape, 2D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'RepeatUnit' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,b1 (Stringrequired) : The id of the first Bond end of this RepeatUnit
,b2 (Stringrequired) : The id of the second Bond end of this RepeatUnit
,n1 (Numberrequired) : First number of the repeating group range
,n2 (Numberrequired) : Second number of the repeating group range
,f (Booleandefault=false) : True if the bracketed contents should be flipped in a simple ring, otherwise this property can be excluded
Repeat Unit Examples
Repeat unit defining a PVC repeating group

Variable Attachment Point (Shape, 2D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'Bracket' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,x1 (Numberrequired) : X coordinate of the VAP asterisk
,y1 (Numberrequired) : Y coordinate of the VAP asterisk
,o (Numberdefault=1) : Bond order, this can be integers or positive half increments or 0; if not specified, the default value is 1
,s (Number) : The id of the substituent atom, if not provided, no substituent bond will be present
,a (Array) : An array containing all of the ids of the attachment atoms, if empty, then no attachment bonds will be present
Variable Attachment Point Examples
Variable attachment point specifying a single bond linkage to a chlorine atom in the ortho and/or meta position of a pyridine ring

Distance (Shape, 3D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'Distance' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,a1 (Stringrequired) : The id of the first Atom this Distance connects
,a2 (Stringrequired) : The id of the second Atom this Distance connects
Distance Examples
Distance between two atoms

Angle (Shape, 3D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'Angle' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,a1 (Stringrequired) : The id of the first Atom of this Angle
,a2 (Stringrequired) : The id of the second Atom of this Angle
,a3 (Stringrequired) : The id of the third Atom of this Angle
Angle Examples
Angle through three atoms

Torsion (Shape, 3D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'Torsion' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,a1 (Stringrequired) : The id of the first Atom of this Torsion
,a2 (Stringrequired) : The id of the second Atom of this Torsion
,a3 (Stringrequired) : The id of the third Atom of this Torsion
,a4 (Stringrequired) : The id of the fourth Atom of this Torsion
Torsion Examples
Torsion through four atoms

Surface (Shape, 3D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'Surface' and is used to define its shape type.
,a (Array) : An array containing all of the ids of the atoms used to generate the surface; at least 1 atom must be defined
,p (Stringrequired) : probe radius used to define the surface function; this is not required for van der Waals surfaces
,r (Stringrequired) : resolution of the isosurface used to generate the surface function
,f (Stringrequired) : the type of surface function; 'vdw' for van der Waals, 'sas' for solvent accessible, 'ses' for solvent excluded
Surface Examples
Argon atom with a solvent accessible surface and a probe radius of 1.4 for water

Unit Cell (Shape, 3D)
(Object) : This is the root object.
t (Stringrequired) : This value is 'UnitCell' and is used to define its shape type.
,i (String) : A unique identifier for this shape, only needs to be provided if necessary
,ls (Array) : this is an array of length 3, with the length values of the unit cell for a, b, and c in that order; the lengths are in Angstroms
,as (Array) : this is an array of length 3, with the angle values of the unit cell for alpha, beta, and gamma in that order; the angles are in radians
,os (Array) : this is an array of length 3, with the ABC offset values of the unit cell for A, B and C in that order; these offset values are in internal coordinate space; if not provided, the default offset will be [0, 0, 0] to start the unit cell at the origin
Unit Cell Examples
Gold atom in a face-centered cubic unit cell

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